报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 232489770 密码: 241220
Examples due to Villadsen, Rørdam, and Toms have shown that Elliott invariant is insufficient for the classification of all simple, separable, and nuclear C∗ -algebras. There are simple, separable, and nuclear C∗ -algebras that can be distinguished by their Cuntz semigroups but not by their Elliott invariant. In my talk, I will provide an overview of the Elliott classification program and introduce several related invariants, including the Elliott invariant and the Cuntz semigroup. I will explore the relationships between these invariants and show a characterization of the Cuntz semigroup and Cuntz comparison for a specific class of
non-simple C∗ -algebras with the ideal property. This characterization utilizes the lattice structure of the Murray-von Neumann semigroup and the cone of lower semicontinuous traces. This is a joint work with G. Elliott.
王琨博士,基础数学方向,毕业于美国波多黎各大学,曾在加拿大Fields研究所和美国德州农工大学做博士后,现任美国德州农工大学讲师,长期从事C*代数分类及其不变量的研究,曾在Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, Journal of Operator theory, Chinese Annals of Math, Journal of Ramanujan Math 等杂志上发表数篇文章。