Bifurcation induced species coexistence in a stage-structured intraguild predation model
We incorporate a stage-structure characterized by the maturation delay of intraguild (IG) prey into a three-species intraguild predation (IGP) model. We derive conditions for the existence and stability of nonnegative equilibria. By selecting the IG prey maturation delay as a bifurcation parameter at the positive equilibrium, we perform Hopf bifurcation analysis and obtain stability switch results. Furthermore, we conduct double Hopf bifurcation analysis using the mortality rate of immature IG prey and the maturation delay of IG prey as bifurcation parameters to further categorize the model dynamics near the double Hopf bifurcation points. It is demonstrated that our model exhibits complex dynamic behavior, such as stability switches, the coexistence of multiple stable periodic solutions, and quasi-periodic orbits. Our findings indicate that Hopf bifurcation and double Hopf bifurcation can lead to multiple types of species coexistence: species coexist at equilibrium, or through sustained oscillations or irregular oscillations. This is a joint work with Profs. Wanxiao Xu, Hongying Shu, and Lin Wang.
范桂红博士任教于美国哥伦布州立大学, 现在为该校数学系正教授和系主任。范教授于 2009 年从加拿大麦克马斯特大学获得应用数学博士学位。分别在约克大学做博士后工作两年,在亚利桑那州立大学做访问教授两年。主要研究兴趣为泛函微分方程理论及其在生物数学中的应用,特别是时间滞后系统在媒介传播疾病中的建模及理论分析。具体的研究课题包括西尼罗病和莱姆病的传播及其预防。已在JDDE、JDE、 JMB 等国际刊物发表论文三十余篇。