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Normal extrinsic flat surfaces along the curve on the surface in de Sitter 3-space
时间:2024年12月06日 11:59 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 867820006




In this talk, we consider the curves on the surface in de Sitter 3-space. For a regular curve on a surface in de Sitter 3-space, we have a moving frame along the curve which is called a de Sitter Darboux frame. We introduce a special vector field along the curve with respect to the de Sitter Darboux frame and investigate the singularities of the normal extrinsic flat pseudo great circular surface associated to the vector field.


姜杨,沈阳师范大学副教授。从事微分几何,代数学方面的研究。研究成果发在The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,Journal of Mathematical Physics, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications等杂志上。

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