报告地点:Zoom会议ID: 84140892419 密码: 974070
An Arnold tongue of a planar map is a region of parameters in which periodic orbits appear on the invariant circle arising from the Hopf (Neimark-Sacker) bifurcation. Although conditions were given for the existence of those tongues, it is still difficult to compute their boundaries of them. We give a method to compute approximately all common terms and the first different term for the boundaries. Then, discussing higher order derivatives and Hölder smoothness for implicit functions, we use the inducing relation of parameters to compute approximately
boundaries of tongues for given planar maps and apply the method to a planar discrete time prey–predator model.
张伟年,四川大学数学学院教授,博士生导师,曾获国家杰出青年科学基金,教育部自然科学一等奖,国家教学成果二等奖等。主要从事微分方程与动力系统教学和研究,涉及分岔理论、正规形理论、不变流形理论及其在非线性振动、生态及传染病动力学模型、网络稳态分析等方面的应用。代表性论文发表在Math. Ann.、Adv. Math.、Proc. LMS、Trans. AMS等国际一流数学期刊上。