报告地点:腾讯会议ID: 195446136
The developments of topological insulators have provided a new avenue of creating interface modes (or edge modes) in photonic/phononic structures. In this talk, we will report recent progress on establishing the existence of in-gap interface modes in various topological photonic/phononic structures.
Hai Zhang obtained his PhD degree in mathematics from Michigan State University in 2013. He then worked two years in Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris as a postdoc. He joined HKUST as an Assistant Professor in 2015 and became a tenured associated professor of Mathematics in 2021. His research interests include wave propagation and scattering in complex media, inverse problems, and imaging. His recent research focus on the mathematical foundations of topological photonic materials, and theories and algorithms for parameter estimation problems. He has published more than forty high-impact papers in journals including JAMS, CMP, ARMA, ACHA, and SIAM-series Journals.