Originated from the algebraic study of differential equations by Ritt a century ago, differential algebra has evolved into a well-established area with rich theory and broad applications. On the other hand, Novikov algebra merged from Balinsky-Novikov's work on Poisson brackets of hydrodynamic type in early 1980s, and can be used to construct infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. Gelfand gave a natural construction of Novikov algebras from differential algebras. Recently, multi-Novikov algebras emerged from the regularity structures of stochastic PDEs initiated by Hairer, and can be constructed from differential algebras with multiple derivations. The constructions of Balinksky-Novikov and Gelfand have also been extended to bialgebras. This talk reviews the background and recent progress relating differential algebras and Novikov algebras. This is joint work with Chengming Bai and Yanyong Hong.
郭锂,美国罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校教授。他的数论工作为怀尔斯证明费马大定理的文章所引用,并将重整化这一物理方法应用于数学研究。他近年来推动Rota-Baxter代数及相关数学和数学物理的研究,应邀为美国数学会在“What Is”栏目中介绍Rota-Baxter代数,并出版这个领域的第一部专著。研究涉及结合代数,李代数,Hopf代数,operad,数论,组合,计算数学,量子场论和可积系统等广泛领域。