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Sobolev trace inequality, biharmonic Poisson kernel and Green function associated to conformal boundary operators
时间:2024年08月09日 18:42 点击数:






Conformal boundary operators associated to the Paneitz operator have attracted a lot of attention. We focus on two related topics: One is to establish a sharp Sobolev trace inequality on a three-ball, which is equivalent to a sharp Sobolev inequality on a two-sphere involving the fractional GJMS operator $P_3$; the other is to classify nonnegative solutions of a biharmonic equation on the half-space and unit ball with proper pair of conformal boundary operators, where the notions of biharmonic Poisson kernel and Green function are introduced. This is jointly with Shihong Zhang.


陈学长,南京大学数学系教授、博士生导师,国家级高层次青年人才,研究方向是几何分析与偏微分方程,现在主要关注的是共形几何中的预定曲率问题及相关曲率流、紧致带边流形上的几何不等式以及几何刚性现象等。文章发表在Invent. Math, Adv. Math等国际知名数学期刊上。

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