Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ real matrix. We consider a property of $A$ called the orthogonal similarity-transversality property (OSTP) that is equivalent to the condition that the smooth manifold consisting of the real matrices orthogonally similar to $A$ and the smooth manifold $Q(\text{sgn}(A))$ (consisting of all real matrices having the same sign pattern as $A$), both considered as embedded smooth submanifolds of $\mathbb R^{n\times n}$, intersect transversally at $A$. More specifically, with $S=[s_{ij}]$ being the $n\times n$ generic skew-symmetric matrix whose strictly lower (or upper) triangular entries are regarded as independent free variables, we say that $A$ has the OSTP if the Jacobian matrix of the entries of $AS-SA$ at the zero entry positions of $A$ with respect to the strictly lower (or upper) triangular entries of $S$ has full row rank. We also formulate a property called OSTP2 that is equivalent to the OSTP: a square real matrix $A$ satisfies the OSTP2 if $X=0$ is the only matrix such that $A\circ X=0$ and $AX^T -X^TA$ is symmetric. We show that if a matrix $A$ has the OSTP, then every superpattern of the sign pattern sgn$(A)$ allows a matrix orthogonally similar to $A$, and every matrix sufficiently close to $A$ also has the OSTP. This approach provides a theoretical foundation for constructing matrices orthogonally similar to a given matrix while the entries have certain desired signs or zero-nonzero restrictions. In particular, several necessary conditions for a matrix to have the OSTP are given, and several important classes of zero-nonzero patterns and sign patterns that require or allow the OSTP are identified. Examples illustrating some applications (such as constructions of sign patterns that allow normality or orthogonality) are provided. Several problems are raised.
李忠善,美国Georgia State University(佐治亚州立大学)数学系终身正教授。主要从事组合矩阵论的研究,包括符号模式矩阵、最小秩问题、特征值问题,矩阵流形,非负矩阵、代数图论、整数矩阵、实线性子空间的符号向量集等。曾多次应邀出席数学国际学术会议并报告论文, 并应邀在北京大学、中科院系统所、清华大学,北京师范大学、南开大学、等数十所高校作学术报告,在《American Mathematical Monthly》,《Linear Algebra and Its Applications》,《SIAM J. on Discrete Mathematics》,《J. Combin. Theory Ser. B》,《Linear and Multilinear Algebra》,《Graphs and Combinatorics》,《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》等重要国际学术期刊上发表论文70余篇,近五年发表21篇学术论文,并出版学术专著《Handbook of Linear Algebra》中的一章,主持或参与多项科研项目。目前还担任美国《Mathematical Reviews》特约评论员,《JP Journal of Algebra,Number Theory and Applications》杂志编委等职务。