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Multilevel additive Schwarz preconditioner for block implicit method applied to parabolic equations
时间:2024年05月24日 17:10 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议:475673208 会议密码:4508




In this talk we explain the time integration of parabolic equations with block implicit methods (BIM). Depending on the size of the block, high-order BIM with A-stability are designed without the need of multiple initial guesses. Similar to Runge-Kutta methods, a BIM can be defined by a tableau including two matrices and two vectors. We discuss a special scheme defined by a positive definite matrix and a positive diagonal matrix; both matrix properties are desirable but not available in Runge-Kutta methods. Moreover, we show that the traditional finite element theory for parabolic problems discretized by the backward Euler or Crank-Nicolson schemes can also be extended to BIM.



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