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Koszul-Tate resolutions and trees
时间:2024年04月03日 16:26 点击数:

报告人:Aliaksandr Hancharuk





Given a commutative algebra O, a proper ideal I, and a resolution of O/I by projective O-modules, we construct an explicit Koszul-Tate resolution. We call it the arborescent Koszul-Tate resolution since it is indexed by decorated trees. When the O-module resolution has finite length, only finitely many operations are needed to construct the arborescent Koszul-Tate resolution---this is compared with the classical Tate algorithm, which may require infinitely many such computations. Examples and applications are discussed. This is based on a joint work with Camille Laurent-Gengoux and Thomas Strobl.


Aliaksandr Hancharuk is currently a postdoc at Jilin university and obtained his Ph.D. in 2023 with Prof. Strobl in University Lyon 1. His research interests and work is concentrated in the intersection of mathematical physics and homological algebra, namely in the algebraic aspects of gauge theories.

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