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A Journey to Derivatives: From Historical Foundations to Spatial Data Frontiers
时间:2023年11月17日 19:08 点击数:






Spatial data pervades numerous fields, ranging from geospatial research to genomics and image analysis, typically within a 2-dimensional plane. Gaussian Processes (GPs) have become foundational in studying these datasets. However, the conventional approach often centers solely on the function. This talk revisits the historical essence of calculus, championed by Newton and Leibniz, and extends it to the novel territory of Gaussian Processes. We commence with the derivative and curvature processes derived from Gaussian Processes, known as the 'derivative process' and the 'curvature process', and their pivotal role in spatial transcriptomic data—a burgeoning domain in genomics. Transitioning to non-Euclidean domains, intrinsic to studies of surfaces such as the brain, heart, and teeth, we outline the recent advancements of GPs in these manifold domains. Through a rigorous definition of the associated derivative and curvature processes, we provide a blueprint of the conditions required for their existence and derive their joint distributions for comprehensive statistical inference. To bring clarity to these complex notions, the sphere serves as our primary example. This talk, thus, traces the journey of the derivative concept, bridging its historical significance with modern applications in spatial data analysis.


李帝东,于杜克大学(Duke University)获得数学博士学位,现为北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校Gillings全球公共卫生学院生物统计系的助理教授。李帝东博士的工作主要集中于几何数据分析、信息几何以及流形学习等,研究成果多发表于Machine Learning, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Biometrika等期刊杂志并于2019年获得Inaugural IMS Lawrence D. Brown奖。

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