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Dissipation, Decay and Hypocoercivity for Hyperbolic Systems
时间:2023年09月18日 11:20 点击数:

报告人:Enrique Zuazua





We will discuss the time-asymptotic behavior of linear hyperbolic systems under localized partial dissipation. We will show how the problem can be handled using Fourier analysis and propagation along characteristics. A sharp understanding of the decay rates requires the employment of concepts in conttrol teorey, such as the classical rank condition for controllability. Avoiding the use of the Fourier transform in the proofs, something that is relevant when aiming for more general results, in particular for nonlinear systems, requires the use of hypocoercivity tools.

This talk is inspired on joint work with Timothée Crin-Barat, Ling-Yun Shou and Nicola De Nitti.


Prof. E. Zuazua, Chair of Dynamics, Control, Machine learning and Numerics -Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at FAU-Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). He has been awarded the Advanced Grants by the ERC NUMERIWAVES in 2010 and DyCon in 2016 and CoDeFeL in 2023 of the ERC and the SIAM W.T. and Idalia Reud Prize 2022. He is an Honorary member of the Academia Europaea and Jakiunde, the Basque Academy of Sciences, Letters and Humanities, Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Lorraine in France and Ambassador of the FAU in Erlangen-Nurenberg, Germany. He was an invited speaker at ICM2006 in the section on Control and Optimization. His fields of expertise in the area of Applied Mathematics cover topics related with PDE, Systems Control and Machine Learning, led to some fruitful collaboration in different industrial sectors.

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