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Algebraic operators on Gaussian-PDMF spaces and the application on fuzzy equations
时间:2023年09月18日 09:20 点击数:






We introduce a class of fuzzy numbers with the explicit form of the membership function written by G-PDMF, which stands for Gaussian-Probability Density Membership Function. Each fuzzy number, denoted by $\tilde{x}$, can be uniquely identified by a vector $[x; d^-, d^+, \mu^-,\mu^+]$. Here $x$ represents the major part of the fuzzy number, $d^-$ (resp. $d^-$) is the length of the compact support on the left side (resp. right side), $\mu^-$ and $\mu^+$ represents the shape of the left side and right side, respectively.  We define five operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, scalar multiplication and division. We show that, under our definitions, the G-PDMF space has a nice algebraic structure and one can establish a new way to enter the world of fuzzy equations.


郑创,本科毕业于四川大学,博士毕业于马德里自治大学应用数学系。北京师范大学数学科学学院教授。主要从事控制论理论与控制收敛问题的研究工作。已于国际知名杂志Fuzzy Sets and Systems , J.Funct. Anal.等发表多篇论文。

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