The Reynolds operator originated from the famous study of Reynolds in fluid mechanics in the late 19th century. The classical example of Reynolds operator is given by a special integral operator, first studied by Reynolds and Rota. Continuing a previous algebraic study of Volterra integral equations, we further reveal rich algebraic structures arising from Volterra integral equations, including following questions.
1. We show that a Volterra integral operator with separable kernel satisfies a generalized Reynolds identity, called the D-differential Reynolds identity.
2. We relate the algebraic completion from a filtration to the analytic completion from the Reynolds identity.
3. We construct free commutative complete D-differential Reynolds algebras by modifying the shuffle product.
This is a joint work with Li Guo and Richard Gustavson.
黎允楠,广州大学数学与信息科学学院副教授,博士毕业于华东师范大学数学系,研究方向为李代数、量子群与代数组合,现与合作者在国际数学期刊Math. Z., J. Combin. Theory Ser. A., J. Algebra, Pacific J. Math., J. Algebraic Combin.等发表论文数篇。2015年成为美国数学会数学评论网评论员,2018-2019国家公派美国罗格斯大学研修访问,2020年认定为广州市青年后备人才。