Complex dynamical systems are often under random fluctuations. The noisy fluctuations may be Gaussian or non-Gaussian, which are usually modeled by Brownian motion or Levy motion, respectively. Stochastic differential equations are appropriate mathematical models for these dynamical systems.
The speaker will start with an overview about recent advances in stochastic dynamical systems, then will focus on a few problems linked to other branches of mathematics, such as partial differential equations, probability theory, interacting particle dynamics, Hamiltonian systems, contact systems, and data science.
非线性动力系统,随机动力系统,随机偏微分方程以及与其它学科的交叉研究。他曾任美国国家纯粹与应用数学研究所副所长( )、美国国家基金委数据科学研究所轮值所长。 他曾获欧洲地球物理学会非线性动力系统青年科学家论文奖。著有《An Introduction to Stochastic Dynamics》,《Effective Dynamics of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations》等书籍。