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Variational analysis and optimality conditions of nonsmooth sparse multiobjective optimization problem
时间:2023年06月28日 15:56 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议 会议ID:889 864 8458 会议密码:115119




This talk focus on optimality conditions of nonsmooth sparsity multiobjective optimization problem (shortly, SMOP) by the advanced variational analysis. We present the variational analysis characterizations, such as tangent cones, normal cones, dual cones, second-order tangent set and support function, of the sparse set, and give the relationships among the sparse set and its tangent cones and second-order tangent set. The first-order necessary conditions for local weakly Pareto efficient solution of SMOP are established under some suitable conditions. We also obtain the equivalence between basic feasible point and stationary point defined by the Fr\'{e}chet normal cone of SMOP. The sufficient optimality conditions of SMOP are derived under the pseudoconvexity. The second-order optimality conditions of SMOP are established by the Dini directional derivatives of the objective function and the Bouligand tangent cone and second-order tangent set of the sparse set.


陈加伟,西南大学教授,博导。中国运筹学会青年工作委员会执行委员,重庆数学会理事,重庆市运筹学会副秘书长,入选重庆英才.青年拔尖计划,主要从事多目标优化、双层规划、鲁棒优化、AI中特殊结构优化理论与算法等研究,在SIOPT、JOGO、JOTA、COAP、MMOR、JCAM、Operational Research、Appl. Soft Comput.、Neurocomput.、中国科学:信息科学(英文版)等期刊上发表论文30余篇。现为《Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization》编委。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,重庆市自科项目3项与横向课题3项。

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