Image segmentation using Bayesian inference for convex variant Mumford-Shah variational model
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议ID:676-767-989
In this talk, we consider using the smoothing and thresholding (SaT) approach for image segmentation. It is important to select the appropriate regularization parameters in the smoothing stage. Traditionally, the regularization parameters are usually chosen by trial-and-error, which is a very time-consuming procedure and is not practical in real applications. In this paper, we apply Bayesian inference approach to infer the regularization parameters and estimate the smoothed image. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can obtain good segmentation results. Although the proposed approach contains an inference step to estimate the regularization parameters, it requires less CPU running times to obtain the smoothed image comparing to previous methods.
文有为,博士生导师, 香港大学博士、香港中文大学博士后。曾任新加坡国立大学研究员、湖南省计算数学与应用软件学会副理事长、湖南省运筹学会副理事长。获湖南省、甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖各1项;主持完成国家自然科学基金项目4项、教育部留学基金项目等省厅级项目多项;发表论文30余篇, 在SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.、SIAM J. Image Sci.、SIAM J. Sci. Comput.、IEEE Trans. Image Process.等著名期刊发表论文30余篇。