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A stage-structured model with distributed delay for mosquito population dynamics considering climate change
时间:2023年05月12日 13:46 点击数:



报告时间:5月16日星期二 10:30-11:30

邀请人:范 猛


Studies on the population dynamics of mosquito species play a significant role in understanding the transmission and spread of emerging and reemerging mosquito-borne diseases, such as Dengue, Malaria, West Nile virus, Zika etc. Considering the driving role of temperature on the dynamical behavior of mosquitoes at aquatic stage, in this talk, I will first introduce a general system of distributed delay differential equations which models the stage structure of mosquitoes with their lifespan divided into two stages (off the water and in the water). By defining the reproduction number $R_0$ of the general model, I will present some theoretical results for the general model, including the stability of the boundary equilibrium and the existence of the unique positive equilibrium. With two specific different types of distribution functions describing the probability of the transformation from eggs at generated to mosquitoes, I also will show some simulations performed for each system to illustrate how time delays impact on the abundance of larva and adult mosquitoes.  This is a joint work with Juan Li and Guihong Fan.



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