报告地点:腾讯会议ID:900 116 637
In this talk, I will review briefly the classical Prandtl boundary layer asymptotic expansions in the study of structure of viscous fluids under the high Reynolds number in a domain with boundaries. And then I will discuss the vanishing viscosity limit of solution to initial boundary value problem for 2D compressible magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) equations in Sobolev spaces, where the velocity is always imposed the no-slip boundary condition. The effects of the normal component of magnetic field, tangential component of magnetic field and magnetic diffusion on the mathematical analysis for stability of MHD boundary layer and vanishing viscosity limit of solution to compressible MHD equations will be addressed in details.
上海交通大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,副院长。主要关注流体力学方程的数学理论研究。相关论文发表在CPAM, JFA, SIMA, JDE等著名数学期刊,主持多项国家自然科学基金项目。