Abstract: This talk is associated with Nevanlinna class, Dirichlet series and Szego's problem in infinitely many variables. As we will see, there is a natural connection between these topics. We first introduce the Nevanlinna class and the Smirnov class in this context, and generalizes the theory of these functions in finitely many variables to version of infinitely many variables. We also apply these results to Szego's problem on Hardy spaces in infinitely many variables. Furthermore, we are also devoted to studying the correspondence between the Nevanlinna functions and Dirichlet series. This is a joint work with J.Ni and Q.Zhou.
郭坤宇,复旦大学特聘教授和上海数学中心谷超豪研究所长聘教授、数学科学学院学术委员会主任。2005年获国家杰出青年科学基金、2006年被聘为教育部长江学者特聘教授。长期从事算子理论和算子代数的研究,取得了若干重要成果。独立或与他人合作在国际知名数学期刊发表论文80多篇;其中包括J.Funct.Anal.(13篇)、 J. Reine Angew. Math.(3篇)、 Math Ann、 Adv Math、Proc. London Math. Soc. 等。出版专著2部(Lecture Notes in Math.; π-Research Notes in Math.)和国内第一本算子理论教材《算子理论基础(第二版)》。 解决了算子理论中多个困难的问题,形成了复旦大学算子理论研究的特色, 国际同行称为“Fudan group”, 目前担任四个SCIE期刊编委。先后两次获上海市自然科学奖一等奖(均为第一完成人)。