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Quaternions and octonions
时间:2022年12月10日 22:07 点击数:

报告人:Alberto Elduque

报告地点:腾讯会议ID:526 7986 1337




The real division algebra of quaternions will be introduced, starting with its discovery by William R. Hamilton, and some of their geometric applications to rotations in three and four-dimensional euclidean spaces will be considered. In the last part of the talk, octonions will be introduced, as well as a review of some of their applications to Algebra and Geometry.


Alberto Elduque,西班牙萨拉戈萨大学教授,担任J. Algebra, Comm. Algebra等多个杂志的编委,发表160余篇文章,被引1000余次,在国际上有重要的影响力。

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