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Dynamical Behaviors of KdV-Burgers-type Systems
时间:2022年12月06日 08:35 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:519 616 415;会议密码:221206




In this talk, we consider dynamics of a class of the KdV-Burgers-type systems by starting with Burgers-type equations, and then focus on the higher-order KdV-Burgers equation, a partial differential equation that occupies a prominent position in describing some physical processes in motion of turbulence and other unstable process systems. We limit our attention to bifurcation, chaotic behavior and asymptotic behaviors.


Zhaosheng Feng, Carlos and Stephanie Manrique de Lara Endowed Chair Professor at the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of University of Texas-RGV, USA. He is the recipient of UTRGV Outstanding Award in Research/Scholarship/Creative Work in 2015 and 2021. His research interests lie in nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems, computational methods and simulations, mathematical physics, and mathematical biology etc.

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