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Acoustic Source and Speed of Sound Inversion in Photoacoustic Tomography: A Numerical Study
时间:2022年05月26日 15:09 点击数:






We present numerical algorithms to image passive acoustic sources in the absence of the speed of sound information. The measurement is the boundary wave field and its spatial derivatives. Under certain conditions, the speed of sound can be jointly reconstructed. The algorithms are validated with numerical examples. An application scenario is the Photoacoustic Tomography, a multi-wave imaging modality where acoustic sources in unknown biological tissue are to be imaged. The presentation is based on joint work with G. Huang, J. Qian, S. Qin, R. Wang.


杨扬,密西根州立大学教授,主要从事微分方程、反问题和成像研究。于浙江大学获得学士学位,美国华盛顿大学获得博士学位。相关工作发表在《 Math. Ann》,《Anal. PDE》,《 SIAM J. Math. Anal.》,《. J. Differential Equations》,《 Inverse Problems》等知名杂志杂志。

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