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Informative Estimation and Selection of Correlation Structure for Longitudinal Data
时间:2012年06月28日 00:00 点击数:

报告人:Jianhui Zhou

报告地点:数学与统计学院 501报告厅

报告时间:2012年7月03日星期二 下午4:00-5:00



Identifying informative correlation structure is important in improving estimation efficiency for longitudinal data. We approximate the empirical estimator of the correlation matrix by groups of known basis matrices which represent different correlation structures, and transform the correlation structure selection problem to a covariate selection problem. To address both the complexity and informativeness of the correlation matrix, we minimize an objective function which consists of two parts; the difference between the empirical information and a model approximation of the correlation matrix, and a penalty which penalizes models with too many basis matrices. The unique feature of the proposed estimation and selection of correlation structure is that it does not require the specification of the likelihood function, and therefore it is applicable for discrete longitudinal data. We carry out the proposed method through a groupwise penalty strategy which is able to identify more complex structures. The proposed method possesses the oracle property and selects the true correlation structure consistently. In addition, the estimator of the correlation parameters follows a normal distribution asymptotically. Simulation studies and a data example confirm that the proposed method works effectively in estimating and selecting the true structure in finite samples, and it enables improvement in estimation efficiency by selecting the true structures. The talk is based on joint work with Annie Qu.


Jianhui Zhou Associate Professor Department of Statistics, University of Virginia

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