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BIG Statistics
时间:2011年05月17日 00:00 点击数:

报告人:Dennis K.J. Lin(林共进)





In the past decades, we have witnessed the revolution of information technology. Its impact to statistical research is enormous. This talk attempts to address recent developments and some potential research issues in Business, Industry and Government (BIG) Statistics, with special focus on computer experiment and information systems. An overall introduction and review will be given, followed by specific research potentials. For each subject, the problem will be introduced, some initial results will be presented, and future research problems will be suggested. If time permits, I will also discuss some recent advances in Search Engine and RFID study.


林共进,美国威斯康辛大学博士,美国宾州州立大学统计系杰出教授,多所学校的名誉教授,如复旦大学,国立政治大学(台湾)等。他的研究领域广泛,其中包括质量工程、工业统计、数据挖掘和响应曲面等,特别是对超饱和设计具有开创性的工作,已在各个领域发表论文150 余篇。林教授现为美国质量管理学会院士,美国统计学会院士,国际统计学会院士,英国皇家统计学会院士,国家政策研究基金会顾问,美国IBM计算机公司研究员,美国IRS(财税局)顾问,美国宾州州立大学杰出研究奖章2004年得主,美国统计协会San Antonio 奖章2011年得主。为 Technometrics, Statistica Sinica, Journal of Quality Technology, Journal of Statistics and Its Applications,Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice and Applied Stochastic Models for Business and Industry等多个国际杂志的Co-editor或Associate editor。

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