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Regularity of the extremal solution for some elliptic problems
时间:2011年04月19日 00:00 点击数:



报告时间:2011年04月21日星期四 16:00




In this talk, we will investigate the regularity of extremal solution $u^*$ for semilinear elliptic equation $-\triangle u+c(x)\cdot\nabla u=\lambda f(u)$ on a bounded smooth domain of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with Dirichlet boundary condition. Here $f$ is a positive nondecreasing convex function, exploding at a finite value $a\in (0, \infty)$. We show that the extremal solution is regular in low dimensional case. In articular, we prove that for the radial case, all extremal solutions are regular in dimension two. We recall also some results on the regularity of the extremal solutions for the superlinear case. This is a joint work with X.Luo and D.Ye.

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