报告时间:2010年07月13日 10:00-11:00
In this talk, I will review our results on mathematical analysis and numerical simulation for Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). As preparatory steps, we take the three-dimesnional (3D) Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE), scale it to obtain a three-parameter model and use an approach well known in the physical literature to reduce it to 2D and 1D GPEs in certain limiting regimes. Mathematical analysis results on ground state and dynamics of BEC are presented. Efficient and accurate numerical methods for computing grund state and dynamics of BEC are reviewed. In addition, comparison with experimental results on collapse and explosion in 3D is reported. Finaly, stability and interaction of quantized vortices in BEC are discussed.
包维柱教授是新加坡国立大学数学系和计算中心的终身教授。1992年清华大学学士、1995年清华大学数学博士、1996-1997年英国帝国理工学院博士后、1998-2000年美国佐治亚理工学院访问教授。包维柱教授是国际计算数学界的一流数学家,在国际最高级别的计算数学杂志上都有论文发表,且被国际同行广泛关注与引用。2008年以来为以下四种国际计算数学期刊的编委: SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing(2009)、East Asia Journal on Applied Mathematics(2010)、Advances in Numerical Analysis(2008)、 Chinese Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications(2000)。