Introduction to Lagrangian-Legendrian Singularity Theory —Geometric meaning of wave front propagations and caustics
报告人:Shyuichi Izumiya
报告时间:2010年03月12日14:30 - 15:30
This is mainly a survey on the classical results of extrinsic differential geometry of hypersurfaces in Euclidean space from the view point of Lagrangian or Legendrian singularity theory. We first give a brief review on the general theory of wave front propagations and caustics. We also consider a relationship between wave front propagations and caustics which might be new results. Moreover, we apply these theories to differential geometry of hypersurfaces for getting new geometric properties.
泉屋周一教授是日本奇点理论界的领军人物, 奇点理论及其应用方面的世界性权威。他曾任日本北海道大学数学系系主任,日本数学会评议员,日本数学会拓扑学科学基金管理委员会负责人,第12届日本数学会国际会议组织委员会主席。泉屋周一教授的研究领域非常广泛,主要包括:映射的奇点理论,微分拓扑,微分几何,偏微分方程,重力场理论。特别是他开创了奇点理论在非欧几何学中的应用研究。还撰写了两套奇点理论专著。