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Littlewood-Paley estimates for weighted Bergman spaces
时间:2022年07月02日 23:42 点击数:


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:149 452 469




In this talk, we consider the following Littlewood-Paley estimates for weighted Bergman spaces: for $p>0$, characterize positive weight functions $\omega(z)$ on the unit disk $\mathbb{D}$ such that $$\int_\mathbb{D} |f(z)|^p \omega(z) dA(z)<\infty$$ if and only if $$\int_\mathbb{D} |f'(z)|^p (1-|z|^2)^p \omega(z) dA(z)<\infty,$$ where $f$ is analytic in $\mathbb{D}$ and $dA$ is the area measure on $\mathbb{D}$. A complete solution to this problem is still lacking. We will talk about some results of these Littlewood-Paley estimates and give an application to double integral estimates for Besov type spaces.


鲍官龙,汕头大学数学系副教授。2014年博士毕业于汕头大学。曾在美国纽约州立大学Albany分校(2013.9-2014.3)、西班牙Barcelona大学(2015.1-2015.3)和土耳其Sabanci大学(2016.2-2017.1)学术访问。研究方向为解析函数空间及相关算子理论。主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金和广东省自然科学基金面上基金等项目。学术论文发表于Canad. J. Math., C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, J. Geom. Anal., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Studia Math.等刊物。

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