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A Cognitive Diagnosis Model for Analysis Multisource Data in Technology-Enhanced Diagnostic Assessments
时间:2019年12月20日 16:18 点击数:






Motivated by capturing more test-takers’ problem-solving behaviors and further providing richer diagnostic feedback, technology-enhanced diagnostic assessments (TEDAs) are becoming increasingly popular. This study proposed an innovative cognitive diagnosis model for analysis multisource data collected from TEDAs, including outcome data, process data, and biometrical data. The proposed model can be seen as an extension of joint cognitive diagnosis models for item responses and response times by incorporating additional biometrical data, i.e., visual fixation counts (VFCs), an essential eye-tracking indicator to reflect the degree of attention a test-taker invested in the test. The feasibility of the proposed model was examined using simulated data. Results mainly indicated that utilizing the extra information from VFCs not only improves the model parameter estimation accuracy but also additionally provides the diagnostic results about the degree of attention a test-taker invested in the test. An illustration of the model by means of an application to real data was presented.


詹沛达,博士,浙江师范大学教师教育学院心理学系讲师。博士毕业于北京师范大学中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心,同为University of Maryland, College Park教育学院人类发展与量化方法系的联合培养博士。 研究方向是心理计量学(认知与学习评价),包括:心理与教育测量方法(e.g., 认知诊断测评、项目反应理论、虚拟测评数据分析、学习分析与测评、计算机化自适应测验等)和心理统计与应用(结构方程模型及其应用等)。当前主攻的研究议题是:面向学习进阶的纵向认知诊断测评,计算机化测验中过程性数据和生理性数据的建模与分析,核心素养和高阶能力的客观测评方法。 目前,主持国家自然科学基金1项、教育部人文社科基金1项;在British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Applied Psychological Measurement, Journal of Classification和《心理学报》等国内外主流权威期刊发表论文30余篇;参与编写英文学术著作2部;并担任Frontiers in Psychology客座副主编;Applied Psychological Measurement, Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Educational Measurement, Multivariate Behavioral Research和《心理学报》等期刊的审稿专家;中国教育学会中小学教育质量综合评价学科命题专家库专家。

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