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Random Periodicity: Theory and Modelling
时间:2019年07月12日 17:30 点击数:






Random periodicity is ubiquitous in the real world. In this talk, I will provide the concepts of random periodic paths and periodic measures to mathematically describe random periodicity. It is proved that these two different notions are “equivalent”. Existence and uniqueness of random periodic paths and periodic measures for certain stochastic differential equations are proved. An ergodic theory is established. It is proved that for a Markovian random dynamical system, in the random periodic case, the infinitesimal generator of its Markovian semigroup has infinite number of equally placed simple eigenvalues including $0$ on the imaginary axis. This is in contrast to the mixing stationary case in which the Koopman-von Neumann Theorem says there is only one eigenvalue $0$, which is simple, on the imaginary axis. Geometric ergodicity for some stochastic systems is obtained. Possible applications e.g. in stochastic resonance will be discussed.


赵怀忠教授有20多年的海外学习、工作经历。1999年加入英国拉夫堡大学数学院,2007年晋升为讲席教授,2009-2015年连任两届数学院院长。他是随机分析及其应用领域国际上的领军人物,英国基金委资深人才计划项目(EPSRC Established Career Fellowship )获得者。工作领域涉及随机微分方程/随机偏微分方程特别是随机动力系统理论,是目前国际上很热的前沿课题之一。赵怀忠教授培养了许多人才,已培养出18位博士生,14位博士后/研究员,1位Newton Advanced Fellow。其中有些已成为北大、科学院、山大、复旦、拉夫堡等大学的教授及/或科研骨干,有些已成为金融行业的领军人才。

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